Pembuka Bicara

Ingatan daripada saya, jika belum solat, tunaikanlah solat terlebih dahulu kerana solat merupakan tiang agama. Solat dapat membantu mencegah dan melindungi diri kita daripada perbuatan mungkar. Jom kita tegakkan agama Allah dengan bersolat. Bagi yang telah bersolat, bolehlah meneruskan pembacaan. Lapangkan dada dan luaskan fikiran.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Pengetahuan (1)

'Did we not make the earth a resting place? And the mountains fixed (to the ground)?'' Al-Naba 78:6-7

Allah always describes the mountains in the Quran as being fixed to the ground, but how? Scientists now know that mountains have deep roots under the earth, even the icebergs under the waters. They discovered that the depth of the roots of the Himalayan Mountain was around 155 miles (250 km).

This is one of Allah's signs. He has the knowledge of everything He created, thus described the mountains as being fixed rather than simply placed over the ground. Allah gave us this information more than 1400 years ago, at a time where no technology existed. Nowadays we take pride in how much we know thanks to the technology we have.

We must not forget that there's a God above us that knows what's between the seven skies and the earth and what's underneath it. Allah only gave us these technologies as a tool in this life, but the most valuable 'technology' we human beings have, that can never be replaced with anything in this world and to Allah we must be forever thankful for, is eyesight.

With our eyes we can witness the signs Allah placed for us in our universe and in ourselves. So lets make use of this blessing and make it a means to get closer to Allah in order to acknowledge the wisdom behind what He created for us on this life.


Nota: Aku mengambil artikel ini daripada laman facebook Moga saudara/saudari penulis mengizinkan saya untuk menyebarkannya dalam laman saya pula. Sebar-sebarkanlah kepada yang lain. Sesungguhnya, inilah bukti kekuasaan Allah SWT. Marilah kita bertasbih memuji kebesaranNya. :)